We have another set of riders coming for the ITT SwissBikeAdventure. They are going to face challenging 1300km and nearly 30’000 meters of climbing next week.
Registration for ITT format closes on 15th September
Tomorrow, Wednesday 28th at 8:00 Matt and Robert will start ITT in Andermatt.
It’s also the first time Matt and Robert will meet each other. Previously they have only ridden together on Zwift!
“Hi, I’m Matt Spooner – a passionate cyclists and Triathlete. I live in Zug, Switzerland, with my wife and youngest daughter, my older sons are studying in the UK. Swiss Bike Adventure will be my first multi day ride, however, I have a strong competition background: I finished Triverest in 2020, I competed in the IM70.3 world championships in Nice in 2019, and completed the Summits For Hope Everesting challenge in 2018. Recently I started Ultra Running”
Matthew Spooner
Robert Britton – British endurance athlete based in Italy, who likes to run and ride rather long distances.Finisher: 2 x Two Volcano Sprint (1000km), 3 Peaks Race (2000km) and Race Across Italy (790km).
Es ist für mich die ideale Art zu reisen, Menschen zu treffen, zu sehen, wie andere Menschen leben. Perfekt, um die Natur wahrzunehmen und zu genießen. Super, um vom Alltag auszuspannen, um aufzutanken. Um wieder zu mir selbst zu finden. Zudem ökologisch. Gesund.Wichtig sind mir globale Gerechtigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit. Dass wir Menschen Wege finden, gerechter zu leben, Andere nicht auszubeuten, sondern anstreben, dass es allen Menschen auf unserer Erde (und auch den Tieren und Pflanzen) gut geht. Deshalb fahre ich auch ,mit dem Trikot “Leben im Anthropozän, dem neuen, vom Menschen geprägten, Erdzeitalter. Für mich geht es darum, dass wir Menschen weltweit Wege suchen und finden, wie wir nachhaltig und solidarisch miteinander gut und gleichzeitig zukunftsfähig leben können.”
“I love cycling!
For me it is the best way to travel, to meet different people and see how they live. It is a perfect way to spend more time outside in the nature. Great for relaxing from everyday routine and recharging my batteries naturally and to feel my own self. It is also ecological and healthy. Global justice and sustainability are important to me so that we humans find better way to live more justly. Not to exploit others. All people, animals and plants on this earth should strive together and live well. That is the reason I wear a jersey ”Life in the Anthropocene, the new, human-shaped, geological age. For me, it is about people around the world searching and finding ways where we can live sustainably and in solidarity with one another and at the same time be fit for the future.”
Today at 9:00 Martin and Peter started ITT in Innertkirchen for the 2021 edition of the SBA.
“Our second ‘long distance’ ride highlight this year. Together we accomplished in the last years Audax Brevet 1000+ (2018), the legendary ‘randonneur event’ Paris-Brest-Paris (2019) and in June this year an Audax Brevet 600+.
Now we are at the start line of the next big challenge. We are looking foward to this bikepacking adventure and the numerous cracking climbs.”
“Unser zweites Langdistanz Highlight in diesem Jahr. Gemeinsam sind wir in den letzten Jahren das Audax Brevet 1000+ (2018), den Klassiker Paris-Brest-Paris (2019) und im Juni ein Audax Brevet 600+ gefahren. Jetzt nehmen wir die nächste Herausforderung in Angriff.
Wir freuen uns auf das bikepacking Abenteuer und die unzähligen steilen Anstiege.”
“I like to discover new horizons by road bike, MTB and Bikepacking, without ever forgetting to taste local culinary specialties !
My first experience in Ultra-distance was the 2020’s Hope 1000 which i finished in 5 days and 11 hours.
The SBA is an exellent challenge and the ocassion to discover new road and revisit the legendaries pass of Switzerland, for the occasion i will pass on the local culinary and go straight to the point !!
I look forward to being in Andermatt for the Grand Depart !
Laurent Dene – “Living and working in Geneva – between the Alps and the Jura mountains – an incredible biking playground.
Riding Audax mountain brevets since seven years and Superrandonnées since five.This year I really felt the need to test myself on a bigger distance … it became the SBA !
Oh yeah, I’m a recumbent rider “
Laurent – the only recumbent rider in this edition of SwissBikeAdventure – will start ITT tomorrow at 6pm!
That is going to be an amazing adventure and a great ride on the bike.
Pavel Klinov – software engineer, originally from Russia, living around Heidelberg, Germany.
“I used to enjoy Audax before COVID and that was my introduction to long distance cycling, in its most social form. It was also a chance for a pretty slow guy to achieve something which look extraordinary to non-cyclists! I am gradually moving from Audax to ultra racing though because, as slow as I am, I love seeing my point on a map and feeling like I’m chasing someone ahead of me. Even when we’re riding for the 2nd to last place, still competitive!”
Pavel finished a bunch of brevets, a Super 600 in Munich in 2020, Paris-Brest-Paris 2019, and the Transpyrenees 2020.