
Bernarda finished

Last week Bernarda finished the Swiss-BikeAdventure in 6 days and 13 hours. Karin and Peter finished together in 6 days and 8 hours.

Read about Karin’s experience:

photo: Bernarda in the Tremola climb


Photos Bernarda sent us

Photos Bernarda sent us from the route last night.


Bernarda first solo women

While Karin and Peter are in the Ticino part of the route, Bernarda is preparing her start in Bernarda at Andermatt.


Karin and Peter on the route

This morning started Karin and Peter at Sargans and coming Monday Bernarda from Slovenia will start in Andermatt.

photo: Gianni some weeks ago in the Tremola.

#SBA #swissbikeadventure #bikepacking #endurance #SBA2020 #switzerland


Kai Edel

After cycling 380km in the first 24h, Kai (2nd in the first NorthCape-Tarifa bicycle adventure) had some technical problems at day 2. Broken inner shifter cable in the August heat. 3th day folowed with several flats and then he came into several storms. Running out of time to make it back to work, Kai decided to finish the route another time. He cycled in the night in heavy rain over Furkapass, Grimselpass, Brünig to Luzern, from where he took the train back to Basel. That was an other impressive 320km over a view high mountain passes in one day.

Congrats Kai for what you done! See you soon…

#SBA #swissbikeadventure #bikepacking #endurance #SBA2020 #switzerland


Jochen Bihn finished – Kai Edel starts tomorrow

Jochen Bihn finished Friday at his start point the railway station Eglisau. He needed 6 days 23 hours and 59 minutes. Congratulations Jochen!

Kai Edel will start Monday morning 10.08.2020 at 06:00 in Basel. Kai arrived as 2nd at Tarifa in the first NorthCape-Tarifa bicycle adventure, a view hours behind Steffen Streich.

Coming Saturday will start Karin and Peter in Sargans.

photo: Kai Edel this June at the Hope1000, his frist MTB race

#sba2020 #swissbikeadventure #bikepacking #switzerland #adventure


First pair riders finished

Flurin and Gianni have finished and completed their route back to where they started from Eglisau, after cycling 1257km and 20,700 meters of climbing in 6 days 39min. They had no luck in the Jura mountains with a white out on Chasseral and Vue des Alpes.


Flurin and Gianni at the Flüela Pass

Marcel Amore finished his Swiss-BikeAdventure yesterday evening in Yverdon-Les-Bains, 75km and 1128vm before his start point. He run out of time, he had to go back to work.

He wrote: “Thank you, this was great”.
Thank you Marcel! Congratulations, well done!

Marcel in the Tremola, the climb to the Gotthard Pass

First finisher

David Geraci is the first finisher of the Swiss-BikeAdventure. David startet Friday morning at 04:14 n Biasca and finished today at the same place at 16:10. That makes 3 days, 11 hours and 55 minutes, for the 1257km and 20,700 vertical meter route around Switzerland.

Congratulation David!


Marcel at Flüela Pass

Marcel gesterday on top of the Flüela Pass. He is currently in the climb to the the Furka Pass, Gotthard Pass already behind today.